Saturday 17 December 2011

Construction: Compression of footage

Before starting to edit our footage, we chose to compress them first. This would be benificial as it would mean that whilst we were editing on Final Cut pro, we would not have to render the footage nearly as much which would, in the long run, save us time. Through research, apparently a small amount of quality is lost but this is not visible. We used a program called 'Volcaic' which was already installed on to the macs we were using. This program allowed us to compress our footage and if we needed to, change the format of the files so it was ready to be used on Final Cut pro.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Construction: Filming finished!

Me and my partner completed our filming for our music video last Tuesday 13th December. We completed the filming throughout the day and into the night to film the scenes we wanted to film in the dark. I am pleased with how the filming went I feel we worked well together as a team. After having having an initial viewing of our footage, we were pleased with much of it although there were scenes that we filmed in extremely low light conditions. This may mean that what is happening in these scenes is unclear although when we start editing, we will make the decision whether the footage is suitable.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Construction: Final Narritive Shoot (Car Crash Scene)

Today we finished filming are last bit of our narrative shoot. This involved filming a car crash scene. We filmed it from the the drivers Point Of View (POV). We therefore did not need Sam to come and act as this scene does not show his face. We filmed this scene by getting Peter to drive at a reasonable pace toward are female actor named Angie Lamb and then stopping near to her and instructing her to fall on to the front of the car. Are plan is to then speed it up to look more realisting whilst editing.
Here is a still of how we filmed the POV shot:

Monday 12 December 2011

Construction: Narritive Shoot started filming

Me and my partner started filming are narrative shoot yesterday. For this shoot we arranged for are friend Pete Stone to meet us so we could use his car. We also got are friend Sam Luszczack to come as he is acting playing our main character. When both arrived we filmed Sam lip syncing the song lyrics to are song 4 times with him sitting in the car. At the end of each time, we changed camera the camera angle so at the end of the shoot we had a wide range of shots where we will be able to pick and match the best footage for are music video. Although this was a lengthy task it was necessary.

Construction: Filmed performance Shoot!

Yesterday me and partner filmed our performance section of are media sequence. I am happy with how this went as we succeeded in filming a wide variety of different shots. The shooting went well as there were no difficulties when lip syncing as we are doing that in are other Narrative section. As a result, apart from a little stage direction, the shoot consisted of just filming what our DJ, Sam Sawtell does normally. We therefore have got some natural looking footage that will compliment are narrative footage well.
Here are some stills taken from the shoot:

Sunday 4 December 2011

Planning: Performance shoot

Me and partner have discussed when we are both available to shoot are performance part of are sequance. This involves filming a friend of ours DJing in his shed. This will give us good performance footage to input around are narrative. The date we have set for this is Sunday 11th of December as this is the closest date where me, my partner, and our DJ are free. In this day we aim to complete the shotlist previously shown in the blog.

Friday 2 December 2011

Planning: Stage Direction

During our performance section, we will be filming a DJ, Sam Sawtell, who will be scratching and playing records. We will be filming this in our friends shed. In order to complete are set shot list, we have come up with stage directions. These are a list of where we will require the DJ to stand whilst filming our shots. We feel this will be necessary and highly useful whilst filming as it will help the shots be filmed without mistakes. However, we have also decided that we want Sam to act as normal when he DJs to an extent as we want the performance to look natural. A balance will therefore need to be produced.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Planning: Car Crash Storyboard

Recently me and my partner discussed the how we were going to go about filming the car crash scene to be shown at the end of are sequence. We thought that including this scene would give the sequence increased excitement for the viewer. We wanted to make the car crash convincing to the viewer even though we did not have access to things such as special effects or other various useful resources that professional media institutions who create music videos may have access too. Nevertheless, me and my partner put together a storyboard for the scene which sets out are plan on how to film and edit the car crash scene with the resources available.