Tuesday 27 September 2011

Research: Practice Music Video

In order to practice the techniques we will be required to use to make our Final music video, me and a peer will make a music video for the first 30 seconds of the song 'Radar Love' by the 70s rock band 'Golden Earring'. This will only contain performance as this will help us to practice the difficult process of syncing both the instruments and the vocals to the track.
Here is a clip of the original music video

Me and my peer will be using more modern equipment than that used when this video was created in the 70s. We will also not be including any instruments in particular in the video but only lip syncing and drumming on the knees. We will therefore be creating a less traditional music video where instead shots being used of individual band members playing their instruments, there will be a single person being filmed drumming on his knees and singing the track as if the song is in his head.

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