Sunday 29 January 2012

Research: CD cover 'Outside the Box'

This album artwork is from the same artist that we are making our music video for and is therefore a similar product.
Here are the front and back covers from the album by Skream called Outside The Box:

The album artwork is simple although effective. For example, the use of the opacity (see through) of the blue box on the front cover. This not only does this looks good, but it also makes the whole artwork more interesting as at first it may look like a solid box but if looked closely, the mans face is visible. Techniques like this will also be easy to implement when me and partner use photoshop to produce are CD cover.
Another thing I like about the CD artwork is the simplicity of much of it. On the back cover only a coloured box is used with the text overlayed. This shows that that CD covers do not always need to be complicated with much editing done to them to be pleasing to look at.
The fact that the title of the album is shown vertically in the top left of the front cover as opposed to the expected horizontal text design shows the unconventionality of the artwork. I will talk to my partner about presenting the our album title in this way as I think it would compliment our design.

Friday 20 January 2012

Research: CD cover 'London Calling'

Here is a peice of album artwork that is from a totally different genre of music than that I am producing a digital package for:

The album 'London Calling' by 'The Clash' is considered as an iconic album cover and there are ideas from this that I would like to incorporate into my CD cover.
For example the title layout along the left hand side and the bottom of the cover could be Incorporated into my CD cover. And also the use of the colours used pink and green. These colours are eye catching which is often the desired effect of a CD cover as it can attract customers. The sans-serif style font used in this album artwork is also interesting.
But the thing I like most about this artwork is the photo that is used. The photo shows the bass player Paul Simonon smashing his instrument against the stage as The Clash played in New York in 1979. The image tells a story to the onlooker. I hope to succeed this when making our CD cover by using images from our music video footage.

Research: Ancillery task CD cover

Recently me and my partner have had discussions about producing a CD cover for for the song that we are making a music video from. This will be part of a digital package that we are making for the song. Me and my partner decided it would be benificial if we were to do research of both simular and unsimular CD covers. This will hopefully inspire us when making our CD cover. I will post these following this post.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Construction: Editing Levels

Me and my partner undertook the task of editing the levels to manipulate what the footage looked like. Many of the shots were left unchanged but the ones that we felt were either too dark of too light we manipulated the image through changing many of the variables shown in the picture below. The quality of many of the shots were improved and it seems that it was a necessary to this.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Construction: Audio Waveform

Whilst we have been editing our footage for a music video we have often found it difficult to edit our footage in time to the audio track. After some research on the Internet, I discovered the you could enable the audio waveform to be visible in the time line on Final Cut Pro by going to Sequence, Settings and the then by highlighting 'Show Audio Waveform'. This has been extremely useful whilst editing as as it has made it much easier to cut from one shot to another in sync to the track. The audio waveform shows the changes in the dynamics of the track.