Saturday 18 February 2012

Final Product: Poster

Digipak - Poster
Shown above is a poster that me and my partner have produced to promote both our music video and the CD design that we have produced. I am pleased with the poster as it has ongoing themes seen in the creation of both my CD case and our music video. This is the true as we took the image used in the poster directly from our music video purposely so that onlookers would be able to make the link between them. We also used the same font when writing the text 'Skream!' and 'Where You Should Be ft. Sam Frank' as we did on are CD cover for that same reason. The reason why we chose the image used is as we thought it is appealing to look at and tells a story to an onlooker.

Final Product: CD Inside cover

Digipak - Inside cover of CD case

Digipak - Complete CD cover
Shown above if the image that we are using for are inside cover for are CD. It is the same image we are using for our poster just without text overlayed. This image will be shown in the inside cover when opening the CD case.

Final Product: CD back cover

Digipak - CD Back Cover
To make the back of our CD cover we used a combination of 2 stills taken from our music video. The main image seen in the background was a still taken from footage which shows the motorway late at night. We then overlayed an image of the DJ seen in our music video and decreased its opacity and placed it at the bottom right of the cover. The For the text 'Tempa Records' we used the font of Helvetica Neue Heavy Italic which continued the theme as it is same text used on the front cover. We decreased the opacity for both the words 'Tempa' and 'Records' although less so on 'Tempa'. We felt that white was a good colour for the text to be in as it contrasted with the dark background and is therefore easy to see and eye catching. We added the barcode to show where it would go in theory if this CD were to be sold in shops.

Shown on the left is the back of one of the CD cover I analysed. One idea that we took from this cover was positioning of the text vertically along the left hand side. Apart from that we were not inspired by any other simular products as we used images that we had produced ourselves and edited them through experimenting and seeing what we thought looked good.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Final Product: CD Front cover

Digipak - CD Front Cover

This is an image of the front cover of the CD cover that me and my partner have produced using adobe photoshop. The image is a still taken from our music video and was then colour balanced and brightened to give it the greener glow that can be seen in the image. The main font (called Helvetica Neue Heavy Italic) we used was inspired by the font  that was used on skreams first album and has somewhat been related to him. We also applied tighter tracking to the text which is where the letter spacing is moved closer together. After some discussion we felt the it was neseccary to use this font as it is associated with Skream and would therefore appeal to are target audience although we also made changes to the way that this font was used. For example we positioned it verticaly along the right side of the cover which was an idea inspired from the two CD covers I have previously analysed which both showed all or part of their title aligned verticaly. These are shown below:

We also made all of the text slightly 'see through' by editing the opacity of the layers on photoshop. For the text that reads 'Where You Should Be ft. Sam Frank' we made the decision that we did not want to use the same large and bold font we used for the text of 'Skream!' as we felt that it would be to over the top and fill up too much space on the CD cover. Also, we wanted the text 'Skream!' to be the first thing that an onlooker saw so it was necessery for it to be larger.
Overall, I am pleased with how our CD front cover as I feel it fits with our target audience and is also aesthetically pleasing.

Monday 6 February 2012

Construction: Finished ancillary task!

Me and my partner recently finished both are CD cover (includes back, front and an inside cover) and also a poster which advertises the release of the single that we are producing a music video for. We produced both of these pieces of work using the graphics editing program adobe photoshop. Me and partner are pleased with how this project has gone and in the following posts I will show images of both are finish poster and CD cover and will also discuss how my previous research (analysing other album artwork and posters) on the subject helped me and partner in producing ours.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Construction: Digipak Initial images without text (back cover)

To produce the back cover image we took a still from are footage which showed the motorway and then over layed it with an image that we took from a sequence from are footage that showed Sam Sawtell DJing. We then turned the image of Sam Sawtell so that it was greyscale. The next step involved using using the magic wand tool to cut the image so it only showed Sam Sawtell. We then merged both of these images and desized the image of the DJ, moved it to the bottom right of the project, and finally decreased the opacity to make it slightly see through.

Me and my partner will now continue are work by inputting text on to both the front and back covers.

Construction: Digipak Initial images without text (front cover)

Recently me and my partner started working on our CD cover. We feel that so far we have produced an effective back and front cover. We have yet to input text on to these covers and they probably also need colour balancing. All of the images used so far we have taken from the footage that we are using to produce our music video. We have then edited the images (ie. turning an image into grey scale) and colour balanced them a little. Here are our initial artworks for the front and back covers.

To produce the image for our front cover we took a still from a sequence we are using right near the beginning of the sequence. We then made the image slightly more greeny using the colour balance tool. I feel this enhanced the image aesthetically.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Research: Skream Poster

This is a poster I found which advertisers an event that Skream is playing at. The effects of the blues and reds used on this picture looks good and I believe could be replicated in photoshop. Using the magic wand tool I believe you would be a able to highlight the diffrent shades in the face and then change them to light blue, dark blue, red and white. I will discuss this idea with my partner and also so further research on how we could possibly replicate this effect.