Saturday 18 February 2012

Final Product: CD back cover

Digipak - CD Back Cover
To make the back of our CD cover we used a combination of 2 stills taken from our music video. The main image seen in the background was a still taken from footage which shows the motorway late at night. We then overlayed an image of the DJ seen in our music video and decreased its opacity and placed it at the bottom right of the cover. The For the text 'Tempa Records' we used the font of Helvetica Neue Heavy Italic which continued the theme as it is same text used on the front cover. We decreased the opacity for both the words 'Tempa' and 'Records' although less so on 'Tempa'. We felt that white was a good colour for the text to be in as it contrasted with the dark background and is therefore easy to see and eye catching. We added the barcode to show where it would go in theory if this CD were to be sold in shops.

Shown on the left is the back of one of the CD cover I analysed. One idea that we took from this cover was positioning of the text vertically along the left hand side. Apart from that we were not inspired by any other simular products as we used images that we had produced ourselves and edited them through experimenting and seeing what we thought looked good.

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