Saturday 19 November 2011

Research: Joker - On My Mind music video analysis

I am analysing this music video as it fits into the same genre as the song that me and a peer are creating a music video for Where You Should Be By Skream. The music video contains both narrative and performance elements which is what we plan to do in our music video. Here is the music video streamed from youtube:

The cinematography and camera movement used in the sequence is effective. Throughout the sequence various camera movements are used when the singer is shown lip syncing the track. This keeps the viewer interested and makes the sequence more watchable. For example, at 0:41 in the video the camera slowly zooms out and also at 1:24 in the video the camera is shown tracking right. In our music video, I would like to input camera movement during the lip syncing to make the sequence more exciting as done in this video.

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